Spirituality is in everyone we meet and everywhere we go. A good analogy is one of radio waves. They are all around us, but we can only experience a radio station by tuning in to the right frequency. Similarly, we are all spiritual beings and spirituality is all around us even though we might not always be consciously aware of it. The trick is to “tune in” and increase our awareness.

To demystify what spirituality feels like, here are some exercises that, I believe, can help “tune in”.

  • Begin your day with an awareness of your thoughts and feelings
  • Look at (and/or think of) your loved ones; experience the love you feel for them
  • What made you smile today?
  • Notice all the acts of kindness and goodness you encounter through your day
  • Assign a few minutes a day (perhaps at bedtime) to deliberate on all the good things in your day, and in your life. Keeping a journal can be very helpful for this.

I found these on Living Words of Wisdom and they seemed like great first steps towards an experiential understanding what it feels like to be spiritually tuned. The idea is to use these exercise to initiate attentiveness towards ourselves and our surroundings, as an important advancement towards self-awareness. When we are truly self-aware, we are in the best place to tap into our spirituality. The best and most beautiful part about self-awareness exercises is that they can be done anywhere, and at any time. And… they’re free!

Let me know how your spiritual “work out” unfolds- there are things to learn from it.

We will delve into self-awareness in more depth soon in another post. Until then, keep exercising! 😉